Sie suchen Experten für Entrümpelungen in München?

Wir sind spezialisiert auf Entrümpelung, Entsorgung und Sperrmüll-Abholung!


Gründe für einen Umzug gibt es viele, selbst wenn der Umzug in so einer schönen Stadt wie es München ist, stattfindet.


Ihr Hab und Gut ist schon verladen und Sie freuen sich auf Ihr neues Domizil, haben aber keine Zeit oder Lust sich um die Endreinigung Ihrer Wohnung, Ihres Hauses oder Büros zu kümmern?


2 + 11 =


UP München
Taunnusstr. 51
80807 München

+49 (0)89 600 350 77

Frequently Asked Questions

If you receive repeat customer queries, enter them here. Frequently Asked Questions sections are great as they’ll more than likely help your customer navigate to a solution very quickly.

Mention to your audience that, should they have a question or concern, they can either find the answer in one of the toggle modules below, or, that if their query still persists, they can contact you either using the contact details to the left or through the Contact page.

What is the average timeline for a project?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

Can I use my preferred suppliers?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

Where can I get a quote for a project?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

What is your protocol if a project runs over time?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

Will I be assigned a project manger?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

I would like to work for your company. Where can I send my CV?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

Where can I read other client's feedback of your work?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

My question is not listed here. How do I get in contact with you?

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like. This is an example of text written in response to a question. This text can be as brief, or as detailed as you like.

Kunden Bewertungen

Wunderbar geklappt. Nur zu Empfehlen! Unser Umzug hat wunderbar geklappt, dank der Umzüge Putina Jungs! Die kamen rechtzeitig und arbeiteten schnell und sauber. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann die nur wärmstens empfehlen und werde die wieder buchen. Daumen hoch für proffesionelle Arbeit!
Sascha Oliver


Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis war super. Kann mich den beiden anderen Bewertungen nur anschließen. Bin mit der Firma von München nach Köln umgezogen, plus Entrümplung und Endreinigung. Fazit: alles super, zuverlässig und zu einem sehr fairen Preis. Absolut empfehlenswert!



Kompetentes Team und exellente Arbeit. Ich habe bereits mehrere Erfahrungen mit Umzugsfirmen gesammelt, wobei ich sagen muss, Umzüge Putina hat meine Erwartungen sehr übertroffen. Der Umzug ist reibungslos und schnell über die Bühne gegangen, alles wurde ordentlich Verpackt, Verladen und wurde ohne irgendwelche Schäden am neuen Wohnort wieder aufgebaut. Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis war super und die ganze Mannschaft war sehr kompetent!

Frank Schmidt


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UP-München, Inhaber: Elvis Putina (Firmensitz: Deutschland), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.